Katie and Megan posing as pretty pretty princesses (sleeping beauty and ...enthusiastic monkey)
Sean and Andy posing as super savage destructo ninja warriors
Princess/monkey cont.
Botanical Gardens group shot. 16.7% of this picture looks enthused.
Sean preparing for the dentist. Katie getting caught up in the excitement.
The notorious smirk
Anyway, its hard to discern whether things have been chaotically fast or mind-numbingly slow around here. Obviously, my blog took some serious damage in the month of September. This can be accounted for by my sheer laziness. I was perfectly capable of updating at least once after the first, but opted for embarrassingly long trips to Burger King and getting drunk in Suji. Well maybe half of that is true. I'll just pretend you know which direction of my logic is actually logical.
This past month was unwavering in its "put it off till later" and "holy crap I have to finish this stupid lesson plan before my flaking credibility as a responsible human being is ultimately flushed down the toilet." Ok, it maybe wasn't that drastic, but we did have these things called "Open Classes" this month that involved stress levels so high, they may as well have been irrelevant. An open class for Wonderland is where parents come to observe and evaluate their students' (and not-at-all legitimately trained teacher's) progress. Of course, like all things involving direct parent/school credibility correspondence, stress is pushed to maximum overdrive, ensuring no single thought escapes painfully precise preparation. I, with all the other teachers, was mandated to create a verbatim lesson plan of something inherently predictable and ultimately redundant. Not that I was above it or anything. I completely understood the risks associated with ill preparation. It was just the sheer tediousness of every single detail being mulled over and reassessed for an entire month that made things a little ridiculous. When the classes finally happened, I still managed to stumble near the end of both. Why? Because I realized how intense my freshly developed routine had been scrutinized under the high powered microscope of making a perfect first impression. In all that planning and working and devising, I forgot how to teach. I thought after any type of misstep I very well may have been a goner, but the stress ultimately proved futile. The only complaint made by any of the parents was a suggestion that I could've given the students a worksheet (more work) on top of an already absurdly condensed, nerve racking, fast paced lesson. Basically, it meant hitting the bars at raging head-on-collision force the following weekend.
Don't get me wrong, it actually wasn't all bad. I mean, I may be exaggerating a couple elements here. But I realized just how pointless stress can be sometimes. I'm aware it doesn't work for everybody that way, but I absolutely hate being stuck in the position where I'm supposed to feel like it shouldn't. Either way, it's over now and I am successfully teaching in my own "slack to the max without being foolish" style. I'm aware of my responsibilities and I will get them done. In fact, I thought today was the best, most consistently flawless teaching I've done since being here, and I did it all with little or no standard preparation. My routine, with obvious overhead regulation from Wonderland, has come into its own, and it makes me a more confident and better teacher.
Now, to highlight some things outside of school, Joel and I went to the Global Gathering festival in the Han River Nanji park a few weeks ago. With blissful intentions on observing and sporadically dancing to Royksopp, we went into the night full fledged psycho fans. It proved worthy and we were fairly certain we saw the infamous "chick from the Knife" (I swear nobody who knows of her knows her name) singing to their loveliest and grooviest tunes. I, as well as Joel, were much enthused. On top of that, Underworld played a mind-bogglingly awesome set- something I was definitely not prepared for. We'd come to see Royksopp and viewed watching Underworld as a mini-bonus to waiting for MSTRKRFT. Inevitably, that logic was thrown out the freaking window as Underworld blew away a significant portion of my mind. When "Pearl's Girl" hit the sound system, I just started jumping in pure excitement. I have never been in such entranced, spontaneous excitement.
Speaking of entranced spontaneous excitement, if you don't know my friend Ryan, you should. He has a recently started music blog called Billy D's Sunset Breeze and it is pure awesomeness. He recently posted a mix that I will honestly testify to being out of this world phenomenal. If you have any sense of transplanetary groove in you, then you must download, listen, and repeat. He is awesome.