Why hello. Been a little while. This will just be a quick update. So far, the new foreign is absolutely fantastic. No longer does the Wonderland community observe constant arrogance throughout its workdays. No longer am I, or anyone else, burdened with the obnoxious persistence of information spouted for the sake of previous foreign teacher's ego. Work is ludicrously more comfortable, and everyone is happy.
For my birthday, I met my former Chicago co-worker and original South Korea Opportunity informer Mike, friends Joel and Emily, and new friends Leanne, Andy and Ken. After some pretty pathetic decision making while briefly scouring Itaewon, we decided to head for the much more gratifying Hongdae. There we encountered probably the nucleus of all graffiti in Korea, Akira-esque motorcycle groups (I've forgone the term
gangs, as they could hardly be deemed menacing), and Club Oi, a bar that would be completely appropriate witnessing the drunken annihilation of the
Cat and the Hat. It was low-key and worth every minute. I thoroughly appreciated everyone there and had a great time.
With that boring riff raff out of the way, I am getting ever closer to my DJ goal. With the introduction of the
Yongsan electronics market, I've been peeing my pants with anticipation in acquiring one of
these (AAAGGH!It can do anything! Midi control, USB input for multiple sources, a stupifying array of effects, and compatibility with nearly any legitimate music making program! I can't believe it). Anyway, Yongsan is quite possibly, no, make that positively is, the largest electronics store I've ever been in. Joel made a pretty apt comparison of it to Marshall Fields (macys shmacys), utilizing 7 gigantic floors for laptops, gaming, cell phones, music making equipment, cameras and an assortment of black market PSP and DSlite game downloading sales. In other words, it was heaven. Now, all I have to do is get my next paycheck, buy the DN-S1200, start Djing, and become the freshest old school Disco DJ in all of Korea (mixes will definitely come within the appropriate timeframe).