First off, this entry is dedicated to Jenny for giving my blog a shout out and making me feel like a chump for being critical of tumblr in the process.
1. To inform others of your views, thoughts, travels and interests.
2. To make those views, thoughts, travels and interests anything but pointless by making them unique, interesting, promoting others to read them and (in most cases) provide feedback.
3. To take that feedback and build a following to encourage bigger and better views, thoughts, travels, and interests.
So from this model, I had a lot of conflicts in the past with starting something I felt to be completely vain, even if being an artist ironically follows these guidelines pretty much exactly. I even tried to start a tumblr page and couldn't do it because the format seemed lazy to me (which I justified as promoting the vain stereotype as easily as possible). Regardless, a blog is like constant self promotion, no matter which direction you encourage it. And although I've come to terms with this aspect to even write this entry, I can't help but feel talking about books I'm reading or music I'm listening to is not in some way trying to express how awesome I am, even if its unintentional (if it really ever can be). And this makes everything feel hypocritical.
Interestingly and as mentioned before, being an artist follows the guidelines of a blog pretty much exactly. The hypocrisy here now is twofold, one representing my already published entries, and one representing my current life goal. I hadn't really thought of it that way until Jenny mentioned me in her blog and forced me to realize I was kind of focusing on blogging too narrowly. So from here I want to express how much I intend this blog to be hopefully interesting and capture the essence of being in Korea once I get there from an analytical and artistic mindset. I like to keep tabs on blog models I like and interestingly, even ones I don't, and it feels like this blog is not necessarily trying too hard (well maybe), but definitely coming off as if it is. I think. I am pretty much my only resource here. So comments would be awesome. Let me know. You are 50% of this blog.
On another note, I will be in Korea in less than a week. I can't tell how excited I am because it seems to have plateaued over the past month. I mean, I am super excited but can't tell what to think about anymore because everything's run through my head 3,467 times already. And by the way, that number may not seem like much, but it is exact. One thing I keep repeating in my head is what the landing is going to feel like. I haven't abroad since I was 14 and can only nostalgically remember watching foreign land sweep by under the plane in what felt like (and probably was) a two hour descent. The anxiousness combined with the mystery made the whole thing feel so awesome. I think that combination is the recipe for adrenaline, which in a dose like that, is pretty intense.
Wow, two entries in a row about plane landings. Maybe I'm destined to be an ambassador.